Friday, December 05, 2008

The crazy economy

I couple of days ago my husband and I were out shopping for Christmas. We were at a local store getting a few last things for family members. As we checked out, the sales clerk hesitantly asked if we would like to donate to a charity that the store was sponsoring. She asked and then braced herself as if she was about to be either hit or at least verbally abused. It was subtle, but both John and I noticed it. We indicated that we would like to donate. Her response was "You do?" It is hard to convey the level of amazement in her voice. She was so shocked that we were willing to do this. When we got to the car, John commented about her reaction. It was so obvious to both of us that she had probably been told no...likely many times with an angry rant about the economy. It was also sad that so many people don't understand how much they must do these things...this year especially.
I am in no way and expert on the economy. I don't presume to have all the answers, but I do understand cause and effect. You see...if no one is buying anything...stores are not selling anything...which means people are not needed to sell anything...which means said people are not able to earn money to buy anything. It is a very vicious cycle. People loose jobs and we hear doom and gloom, so everyone starts holding back their money, then more people loose their jobs, then the government start taxing those of us with jobs to help those whom have not, so those with jobs who now must pay higher taxes spend even less...and more people loose their jobs. is my thoughts on how to improve the economy... and it is nothing new.

If you got it...spend it.

Donate to the same charities that you give to every year. In fact, if you have a stable job and money to spend, count yourself lucky and give more than you would normally. My husbands company laid off 300 employees a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully we were not among them. We have counted our blessing ever since.
Now I am not advocating going hog wild and blindly spending what you do not have. No way. That is primarily what got us all in this problem to begin with. What I am saying is, don't hold back. If you have been waiting all year for "Dark Knight" to come out...go get it. When you grocery the Oreos...just go ahead and buy them. The stocker will appreciate the job security. When you go out to eat...get the dessert...even if you have to take it home to eat later. Tip well if you can. The governement can try and fix this, but if the citizens don't put money into the economy...there will be no economy. your bills, put a little in savings, and then spend what is left. It is more fun that way!

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