Monday, February 02, 2009

"I am so LONELY!!!"

I have always been an animal lover. People who know me can attest to that. I like 'em all. Flying, slithering, scaly, wet, furry, dry...whatever. The only things that I won't house are spiders or insects. These are not pets...they are pests (note the extra "s"). I squish them and leave their mangled corps on the wall as a warning to the others in the area. I cannot get behind keeping them as pets.


Some people are cat people...others are Dog people...and most times you are either one or the other. John is a cat person. I like dogs a lot, but enjoy cats now because they fit very nicely into our lifestyle. They only require about 5-10 minutes of actual attention a day. Other than that...they really don't care if you exist. Dogs...they need CONSTANT love an attention or they start eating your furniture. They are needy and neurotic. We work and we have five kids and one ex-husband with we run around quite a bit and are not home. My life style has forced me to become a certified cat person. But luckily (or not so luckily) I have a cat that acts more like dog than he should.

I give you Pipen. He is our 2 year old siameseish cat. He is the first kitten that I picked out. We now have four cats. The other three are normal cats. Eat, sleep, litter box, rub against your leg, look at you with disdain... ya know...normal cat. Not Pipen. He is not a normal cat.

He plays fetch.

He obsesses over things

He talks and whines to us all day long

He cannot handle change in anyway

He does naughty things when he is not being paid attention to

When we brought Kaylee home from the hospital two members of our household had problems adjusting; Brit and Pipen. Brit has adjusted and is over it; he was over it about a month after she was born. Pipen is STILL not over it.

He has these little batting toys he plays with. If you throw it for him, he will chase it, pick it up and bring it back to you. Just like a dog. He will do this for hours! As long as you throw it...he will bring it back. If you stop playing with him, he will follow you around with the toy in his mouth begging you to play with him... just like a dog.

He bats that stupid toy under the stove EVERYDAY. Then he lays next to the stove and whines until I pull out the drawer and get the toy out for him... sound like another kind of animal??? I think so too.

He likes to jump behind the TV. We have this big entertainment center with closing cabinet doors. To get behind the cabinet he has to jump up on the TV and then slither between the cutout opening in the cabinet. He then proceeds to chew on the cords to Johns XBOX 360. This is bad, because if the cord plastic isn't in place the cords could actually start a fire. Not to mention the electrical current could hurt the cat. He has gotten in trouble for jumping back there SO MANY times. No matter what we do to punish him or deter him from going back there...he obsesses about doing it again. Every time he walks in front of the cabinet, he pauses to look up and you can see his legs getting ready to leap. We yell "Pipen!!!" and he runs away. Sure as the sun will rise...he comes back a few minutes later to try again. He does this over and over and over and over again. It is maddening!!!

This cat is the strangest cat I have ever known. He is extremely cute and such a beautiful cat...but I think he must have done something wrong in a past life. He was a dog and he pissed someone off and was cursed to come back as his arch nemesis...and he has NO IDEA how to be a cat!!! He just wants someone to HOLD HIM!!!!

He may need Prozac!!!


Andrea said...

O.k. I'm confused. Are you trying to say that your cat is lonely??

Cynthia said...

Awesome! We had a Siameseish cat named Pepper growing up and he was also very vocal- it might be the breed. I think it's very cute how Pipen has learned to compete for attention and I'm glad he is the best of both cats and dogs.

We're cat people here too. Actually, the hubs was sorta foisted into the cat thing too. He used to have a St. Bernard in what we refer to as his 'previous life' (meaning when he was married to The Demon). He'd love to still have a dog but I am adamant about it- no way!

I like other people's dogs (like Chester) but I so don't want to own one. Come to think of it, neither does Steve. Whenever I say Chester is cute or something he tries to make me take him home!

We have 2 cats and the kids are begging for a 3rd.

Stac said...

Hee! Hee! My fat weiner dog does what your cat does. She knocked the ball down the stairs and then whines until someone goes to fetch it. I love that your cat is confused.