Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Economic frustration

I am wondering if you have noticed the same things I have noticed lately. Namely all of the economic crap that is blared at us on the news...that doesn't come to fruition? For instance, the auto industry is dieing right? There are supposed to be all of these "killer" deals. Dealers are just giving them away. Well we have been looking for a car. The car John drives is on it's last legs and we will need one before the end of the summer. So we have been looking...and I gotta say. I haven't seen any killer anything. The cars are the same price or more than they were just a year ago when we looked before. I see nothing killer out there accept how much they are asking for the cars.

Another for instance, the housing market and all of the refinancing options. Even with houses loosing value you can refinance at a lower interest rate right? Wrong. If you are responsible and have insurance on your mortgage and have made all of your payments, you don't qualify for a refinance. How frustrating is that.

So I am to guess then that the only way I can benefit from any of this Economic stimulus is to stop paying my mortgage, drop my insurance and buy a really expensive new car. That way I will have a brand new car and be able to drop my interest rate on my house a point and a half!

There are some very screwed up things happening...

seven...no wait eight...NO WAIT ALMOST NINE MONTHS OLD!!!

Dear Kaylee,

Ok...so you have a sucky Mom. This is probably something you should get used to. I will have moments of greatness where you will think..."wow this woman is together." And then I will have moments of complete and utter failure. I am human, and the sooner you realize that your parents are mortal the better I suppose.

So you are almost nine months old. I have no idea how you got to be that big...but you most certainly are. As of right now you have no teeth. I think this is the longest any of my children have waited to grow teeth. I am begining to wonder if their are teeth in there. A consequence of having not yet sprouted teeth has been a total and utter lack of wanting to put anything in your mouth...including food. Other parents I talk to wonder at your lack of oral fixation and wish their child was want to put items in his or her mouth. "What a blessing that is" they say. I, on the other hand, worry that this is some sort of illness that will manifest some day with your growing a third arm out the middle of your forehead...or something equally as distressing. So, for the past several months I have shoved every kind of food I could into your tightly clamped trap. I give you tastes of everything. From the bread in my sandwich to the curried potatoes we had at Royal India (two thumbs up!!!). At first you were less than enthusiastic about the oral olympics I was putting you through. You would clamp your mouth down so hard it would take two hands to pry your mouth open. After lots of practice, you are very excited about all of the new foods, and have found that you like the weird stuff as much as Mom and Dad. In fact, if it doesn't have spices and zing...you don't like it. The most exciting food adventure though was the day you realize that watermelon was good, and that you could feed it to yourself! You ate, several large peices that evening! We were both so impressed. Unfortunately, Aunt Stacie was less impressed the next day when the wonder of watermelon manifested itself in your diapers (I use the plural on purpose) and on your clothing.

You are sitting up my bug and have been able to for a while now. Though it sort of took us by surprise that you could. I was, once again, getting worried that something was wrong with you since I could not get you to sit up on your own. It wasn't until we realized that you actually could sit up, but just chose not to, that I stopped worrying. You love to be on the floor while playing. You roll and roll and roll, and stretch, and army crawl. The sitting isn't mobile...and mobile is where it is at for you. If you can't move "over there" you are one unhappy little girl. The most entertaining, and by entertaining I mean frustrating and painful, movement you want is when you want to be neither held nor set down. You want to hover in the middle ground somewhere between held and put down. Daddy would be most grateful if you would master your flying skill now to save his back from holding you in the hover position. Our codeine prescription is running out.

You have found the kitties...and the kitties are afraid. All except Pipen. He is more than happy to let you grab his ears and pull his tail. The poor cat is that starved for attention. I have been trying to show him more love since I realized this. Seriously though, you are much more interested in watching them grabbing them. The few times you have gotten a hold of Pipen, he has patiently waited for us to loosen your grip. He is a very sweet cat and will often come sit by you when you eat...just outside of arms reach.

Bug you are a delight to us. Your brothers and sisters adore you, and have mastered the changing of the diapers (at least the girls have that one) and the entertainment of you. Drake does his "crazy dance" while singing that makes you giggle to your toes. Brit reads you stories and plays peekaboo. Breena and Dana are great babysitters and take very good care of you. We are all happy you are with us.

We love you!
