Thursday, March 12, 2009 a hundred billion hot dogs sir!

As I may have mentioned before...we have four cats in our home.

I love my cats...for the most part. Lets face it, they are cats. For those of you who either own, or have owned a feline, you will need no more explanation than that last statement. They are cats. For those who have never owned one, everything you have read or have heard about cats is totally true. They have attitude, over run your home, and treat you with general disdain...unless it is feeding time at which point you become their most favorite person in the WORLD!!! They are cats. 'Nuff said.

Several times a year we have to "de-fur" the cats. It is a task that has to be done by me...because John has a very mild allergy to cats and performing this chore threatens to put him in the hospital. He can't even be in the same area of the house when I do it. De-furring is basically just brushing the cats. I should do this a couple of time a month. But... it is very messy and I am very lazy, so it gets done on an "as needed" basis. Spring time, and the subsequent shedding of the totally unnecessary winter coat, escalates the "as needed" to "code red". There is so much fur coming off of these animals it is unreal. So a few days ago, I sucked it up and did the nasty. I brushed all four cats.

We bought a new cat brush, and it is awesome. Check out the pics!!!

This is the mound of hair that I removed from the first cat...Pipen. I put my flip flops next to the pile of hair for reference.

This is the piles of hair after all four cats were done. This beach towel is a LARGE towel...So much hair came out of those cats it amazes me to look at. I didn't take a picture of my clothes after I was done. I was so covered in hair I had to shower.

This is the mighty and powerful "Defurminator" tool I used. I think this is the most expensive brush on the Petco shelf...and worth every single penny!



Jaz said...

just looking at the picture makes it hard for me to breathe! I wish I wasn't so allergic :(

Julie said...

I am glad you think that pile is awesome. I think that is gross!

Angela Stephens said... is a little gross. But it is a pile of gross that got thrown away, not deposited on my furniture or

Andrea said...


Murph said...

I sneeze just looking at it all.

Stac said...

lol- defurminator... this is almost as good as the lice shampooing incident.