Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It is not that hard!!!!

So here I am at work. Frustrated as usual.... sorry to any of you that read this blog. I tend to write most when I am frustrated. Anyway, I have been charged with organizing a training system at "the Lab", as my place of business will furthermore and always be known as. The idea is that we are hiring, at a whiplashing speed may I add, college graduates. The problem with the newly papered group is that they come out of school with a big head and no useful practical application. They are however favored over those of us.....who are less papered than the mighty graduates. We have simply worked in the industry for more than 10 years and actually come with practical, hands on knowledge. Why would that be useful I wonder?????

I guess the papers make them smarter then us? If you use that arguements with dogs, you loose. The papered ones are...less than bright and come with a myriad of genetic defects. You wanna good dog? Go with a mutt! They ain't got no papers, but they are teachable and smart! I'm a microbiological mutt. No papers, but good instincts.

Sorry, I diverted. So we have a load of papered people with no practical knowledge testing the medical devices used on you by your doctor on your next hospital visit. Ya...I felt the chill too.

I have been charged with giving the papered the knowledge they would have gotten if they weren't off getting all papered in the first place. Actually, I have to arrange our Senior scientists to teach them about their tests. This seems simple enough. I locate areas where problems are occuring, I assign one of the two best Scientists in the industry (yup we have them both) to work with these people to get them straightened out. It is a bloody nightmare!

These two brilliant men, and I do mean brilliant! There is no sarcasm there. These men know more about testing medical devices and pharmaceuticals than pretty much anyone in the industry, including the mighty and powerful FDA. But they have one problem......

They have no idea how to check their schedules! These men can quote governmental regulations verbatum. They can do portions of quantum physics in their heads...but they can't access their groupwise!!!

I need a coke!

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