Thursday, March 12, 2009

Equal time...ummm no

I had a friend point out to me the other day that I tend to write a lot about my baby, but not so much about my other four children. It seemed a bit lopsided. She was pointing this out to me in a kind way, thinking that I might not have realized I was doing this. It was done with the best intentions. The funny thing about this conversation was my response to her, and her subsequent surprise. I know it is lopsided...and I do it on purpose.

Blogs are funny things. They allow outsiders an inside look into your life, and in some cases, your head. I enjoy some aspects of this. I have mentioned before how much I enjoy reading blogs. It is a little surprising to me that I also like to write on this blog. For whatever reason, I find it cathartic. I have little problem laying out my life and my thoughts in this medium. I do, however, have a problem laying out the lives of my kids. Hence, the reason you will see very few blogs written directly about my older kids. It is about respect.

With Kaylee, there are few boundaries. She is a baby. Her life revolves around her latest exciting her feet. No invasion of privacy there! My older kids have lives. They are still young, but it is amazing to me how quickly they begin to have a need for their own space. To invade that space here, or really any public arena, feels like an exploitation. Those stories are theirs to tell, not mine.

So, for those few who might have been concerned that I don't love my older kids as much as my baby; you can relax. You will see the mommy letters on their birthdays, and the kid speaks. I will write about them when I feel the story relates to my life and how they impact me, but I will not write about them on a regular basis. This is the line that I have laid in the sand, and I will not cross it. I love them too much to put their lives on display for others amusement.

Ok...thanks for can go back to whatever you were doing.

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