Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kid speak...The Drake in Disneyland Edition

(tonights phone conversation)

Drake - "Hi Mom"

Me - "Hey Drakie hows your day?"

Drake - "We went swimming, got done, I put on my pajamas, and we ordered pizza...bye"

Me - "Hey wait... are you having fun???"

Drake - "Yup...bye"

Me - "Wait Drake - What did you do yesterday?"

Drake - "Disneyland"

Me - "What are you doing tomorrow?"


Me - "Drake???"

Drake - "I'm having fun!!! Bye"



Jaz said...

that sounds about right. When Savannah was in preschool she would give me detailed accounts of the whole two hours. Payton would say: We learned letters. Even now in third grade: Mom, I think I have a report due tomorrow, I'll just do it quick at school....boys! gotta love em

stacie said...

I love it!!! He is such a boy! Makes you feel like he really misses you huh? Thats what Josh would do when mom took them.

Murph said...

Translation: "Don't bother me, there's a movie on the tube, and you're cramping my style."
He must have used up his word quota for the day.

So who's "best friend!!! sorry Tyson"?

Give me money said...

love it