Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kid Speak... the Brit's Birthday edition

*early in the morning*

*knock knock knock*

Brit - "Mom can Tyler and I have our glow sticks? We fell asleep last night and forgot them"

John - (rolls over and groans) "You can have them a little later after we get up"

A few seconds pass...

*knock knock knock*

Tyler - "John...what does "later" mean???"


Stacie said...

Tyler is driving me CRAZY with the "What does ______ mean?" I can't tell him anything. "I'll think about it." "I don't know." "Maybe" They all initiate the same response. "What does ________ mean?" UUUUGGGH!

Stac said...

LOL- i love that... I can just hear "What does later mean?" it's such a kid thing to do.

Super cute and funny when it's not me being woken up early in the morning.

Give me money said...

so cute