Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm a follower!!!

I love to read blogs. Blogs have this amazing way of drawing people out. There is a sense of safety when you write a blog. I find people are - generally- most real when they consistently write what is happening to them and with them. I enjoy finding out what people think and are willing to write about themselves. I don't me nosy.

I know that this blog has been an amazingly freeing, healing, creative tool for me. I am soooo glad my brother prompted me to start it a few years ago. It took a long time to get into it, but now it is a part of my day. I carry a book around so that I can write down blog ideas.

So the point is... do you have a blog?

If you do, post a link in the comment section of this post. I would love to link to it and read it. I have gotten to know some of you so much better through your writing.

If you don't, consider getting one. This website "blogger" is fast, easy and free. Just start with simple things. Things that interest you. Don't worry about what people think, this is your space. I have a friend who blogs about her compulsion to organize things. I have another friend who blogs mostly about her kids. Whatever the subject, just give it a try. You may find, like me, that you enjoy it.

And I need more to read...


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm going to delurk myself and let you know that I just discovered your blog and am subscribed. I feel like I'm spying on all of my blog writing neighbors!

Anways, I have my book blog. I talk books (obviously).

Angela Stephens said...

Thanks for responding. I need to get your book blog address so that I can link. I think it is listed on your facebook page.

It is only kinda spying. Not really. Besides I do I can't be upset if others read mine... ;-)

Stacie said...

ok, I actually started blog a week or so ago. Cindy knew I had it, because I asked her help on something with it. But, julie found it the other day too, so I guess it is going to be out there soon. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it long, but you're right, it is kind of fun to just put things that you're thinking out there. However!!!!Steve doesn't know I have it. DON'T tell him. He's not a big fan of blogs, and I think he'll think I'm psycho.

Don and ME said...

I think you already know mine but if you don't its
thanks for letting me come in and read.

Andrea Brawley said...

Hey Angie,
I came across your blog off of your Facebook page. I'm actually glad that I found all you guys on Facebook. Now I can keep up with you and your families. The once/maybe twice a year family gatherings we have is hardly enough time to get caught up on what everyone has been doing.
I have a blog. I tend to not write on it as often as I would like. Its on my list of stuff to get done in the week but, doesn't always happen.
Hope everything is going well.

Give me money said...
